A friend of ours in New York, (my wife's maid of honor in fact) took the subway to work at Columbia University that morning, She wound up walking home (to Brooklyn) with thousands of other New Yorkers because the trains had stopped running. Under the circumstances no one seemed to mind. "They sent us home early, " she explained when we phoned.
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This refrigerator magnet was a gift from the above mentioned friend. It says "I Love New York More Than Ever 09/11/ 01." |
The Brooklyn Heights Blog also contains memories of residents who were witnesses to and had direct access to the tragic events of that day either by the river promenade or the Brooklyn Bridge. A picture of the Bridge and the Towers before 9/11 are directly above the a collection of memories, Remembering 9/11/01 .There are no horrific pictures to scare children or adults. Just words. I was particularly impressed by one memory simply called Me. The first part of Me appears in the middle of the other memories. There is an additional Me post script at the end of all the memories. Me begins with the observation, "Laziness saved my dad that day," and it ends with "I shall never ever forget."
On 9/11/ 01 I worked a combo radio station in Southfield Michigan. I sold advertising and, my presence wasn't always required at the office. Except on Tuesdays when there was a mandatory weekly sales meeting which began at 8am sharp and was usually quite lengthy.. For whatever the reason there was very little to say on the morning of Tuesday,September 11th 2001 and the meeting ended moments before 9/11 began. The conference room emptied just in time to hear someone say that a plane had collided with the World Trade Center. That had happened before in the 1940's when a large military plane collided with Empire State building. Then came word that a second plane had hit the towers. Perhaps an observation plane or something. The news did however prompt many us to wander into the newsroom where a battery of television sets was broadcasting. The replay of the second plane flying directly into the tower was the first indication that something unreal was indeed taking place. One viewer surmised terrorism and there was the ominous word that other planes we missing. My boss said something like" Holy Moly! Wait until this hits Los Angeles!" which at 9 am our time was just waking up. I have often thought of his words since then. I think he meant the news but he could have meant more terrorist activity. Who knows was planned and the FAA in perhaps a life saving move grounded all aircraft. I called my wife who works were the televisions are always turned on and she already knew. I called my father who just came in from fetching the paper. He was little irked at my insistence that he turn on the television immediately.Shortly before eleven am when people were still gathered around television or radios, the big boss who ran both stations issued a directive. It said that, with the exception of people who were needed for broadcast or news, due to the extraordinary and tragic events unfolding people could go home if they wanted. Business as usual would resume at 8am on September 12th,
The Big boss has gone onto be the General Manger of a Detroit area Television station. He has appeared frequently on television during the last week promoting special "Remembering 9/11" programming the station broadcast. His television promos began by asking where were you on 9/11 ? The Big Boss and I were at the same place at the same time on 9/11. Small world.
At church, this morning the exit hymn was, God Bless America. A newspaper The Michigan Catholic featured a banner which said "Remembering 9/11 pages 8,10.18" . A rather impressive column however appeared on page 6. It was written by Father Peter J. Daly, a columnist for Catholic News Services. He said that after 9/11 he hoped things would be different and for awhile they were . Initially the world was full of sympathy for America and respect for the heroism Americans showed that day. America had became united in grief and now had a common purpose. Public meetings began meeting with pledge of allegiance. American flags flew everywhere.People started attending church services in great numbers. On Capitol Hill partisan divisions ended and anti terrorist legislation passed. Some "almost without reflection". But it didn't last. Today that sense of national unity is long gone."We seem to be divided over ordinary things, writes Father Daly"Church attendance is back to normal. We have surrendered some of our privacy and civil liberties. We support our military but our veterans suffer. They suffer trauma of war. Some can not find jobs.Some are homeless and some commit suicide.
Computers have a program which allows you to revert to an earlier time if your computer is acting oddly and you don't know why. Apple calls it Time Machine. Microsoft calls it System Restore but it used to be called Go Back. On what date did we start back sliding ? On what date did we start forgetting what we learned on 9/11 ? What date should we go back to when everyone without condition was intesely proud to be American ? What do you think ?
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