- The Artist (DVD): George Valentin is a silent movie superstar who is losing his job and Peppy Miller is a young extra who has many prospects in her career. Check Availability
This is not an official blog of the City. It is the work of Mark Kapel who is solely responsible for content.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Baldwin New Titles 6/26/2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
City of Bloomfield Hills Seeks Part Time Finance Clerk.
Employment Opportunities
Part-Time Finance Clerk
Job Classification: Non-Exempt
Reports To: Finance Director / Treasurer
Position(s) Supervised: None
Reports To: Finance Director / Treasurer
Position(s) Supervised: None
The Finance Clerk performs a wide range of bookkeeping, administrative and clerical functions under the direction of the Finance Director.
The Finance Clerk performs a wide range of bookkeeping, administrative and clerical functions under the direction of the Finance Director.
Essential Functions:
- Assist Finance Director with biweekly payroll and related documentation and recording.
- Reconcile bank statements for investments and other various accounts on a monthly basis.
- Manage credit card statement submittals from dept heads and reconcile statements with receipts and record monthly journal entries.
- Assist Finance Director with benefit management of employees and retirees and their records.
- Respond to citizen inquiries and provide information regarding City operations, policies and procedures (phones/counter).
- Process forms, documents and records as requested.
- Compile and record receivable information for special assessment tax roll.
- Respond to tax inquiries and related requests for information.
- Update BS&A on-line system with tax payment information on a weekly basis.
- Assist Finance Director with general ledger, A/P & A/R activity.
- Assist with year-end payroll preparation, such as 1099’s and W-2’s.
- Assist the Finance Director in the preparation of the annual budget and the annual audit report.
- Invoice for self-insured dental plan.
Basic Functions:
- Ability to process and research detailed data and compile a variety of financial reports.
- Ability to organize, prioritize and work independently.
- Ability to react to changing conditions or situations quickly.
- Good telephone, public speaking and communication skills.
Minimum Education & Background:
- Bachelors Degree in Accounting/General Business with emphasis in Accounting, Public Finance or related field from a university.
- Four years experience in municipal accounting, tax administration or finance.
- Proficiency in accounting procedures and practices.
- Proficiency using Microsoft Word, Excel, BS&A, Fund Balance.
Minimum Environmental Expectations:
Little or no exposure to noise, weather conditions, machinery and hazardous materials.
Minimum Physical Expectations:
- May occasionally require lifting boxes of material, office supplies, files, records and equipment weighing a maximum of 25 pounds to waist-high level.
- Position often requires extensive periods of time working on a computer, sitting, telephone work and filing.
- Position often requires extensive periods of time reading numbers.
- Requires manual dexterity to operate computer and office equipment.
Filing Deadline: July 13, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
2012 Voter's Guide to August and November Elections
The Big and the Bold, that you need to know, is that there are two upcoming elections to note.
The first is the Tuesday August 7th Primary Election..
It will determine candidates for the fall general election.
For example four candidates seek office in the Republican Primary for State Representative in the 40th district. The winner of that primary will face a sole Democratic opponent in the Fall General Election.
In the August 7th primary you may vote in either party primary. Your choice, but you can only vote for one party, and when voting you must request either a Democratic or Republican ballot.
The Second is Tuesday November 6th General and National Election.
Here you can vote for candidates from all parties. You will vote for successful candidates in all offices of the August 7th primary (Except for Precinct Convention Delegates) and The National Presidential Elections, School elections and more.
Precinct 2 Congressional Church. Heading South on Woodward turn right at Cranbrook Rd. Then turn immediate left and you will enter a long drive which leads to the Church which is actually behind the trees
To enlarge type below click on it with your mouse

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Baldwin New Titles 6/5/2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Baldwin New Titles 6/19/2012
Wicked Business by
Janet Evanovich: Dazzling
her patrons with scrumptious cupcakes at her Salem, Massachusetts, bakery,
Elizabeth Tucker continues to fall for the irresistible Diesel, who protects
her from a villain who is seeking mystical stones tied to the seven deadly
sins. Check Availability
Wanderlust (DVD): After George loses his high-stress Manhattan job, he and his wife Linda hit the road and wind up crashing at Elysium, a free-spirited community of hippies, tree-huggers, and the occasional nudist. Check Availability
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Budapest Edition of City of Bloomfield Hills
Bloomfield Hills város
Say for example your live in mother in law is struggling in English, but her parents were Hungarian missionaries and she was born in China where she lived until she was 22 before marrying a now deceased Russian Diplomat. No publication will keep her in the loop better than the City of Bloomfield Hills.
Language teachers I have know have told me to beware machine translations. There are mistakes.
Well there are always spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax errors in the original English language version of the City of Bloomfield Hills Blog. We have considered hiring a proof reader but funding for staff expansions has yet to come so who are we to criticize the mistakes of computers? If daylight savings time is discarded and Budapest is on Central European time then it is 7 am in Budapest right now. There are two million people there about the same as metro Detroit and both cities are built on concentric rings the radiate out from the City's Center. Close your eyes and you can almost hear the metal on metal squeals of breaking yellow trams taking people to their jobs in Buda or Pest.. Maybe somebody with the European equivalent of 4G is reading this, on a lap top on a tram right now. Is it more fun than pen pals ? Not really but maybe it is the advent of 21st Century Pen Pals.
Az emberek, helyek és történések egy nagy város.
Ez nem egy hivatalos blogja a város. Ez a munkája Kapel Mark, aki egyedül felelős a tartalomért.
Look familiar ? It should . It's today's Blog about the St. Hugo's Rummage sale. It was published in English at 3:40 pm today, June 20th and this now 10:15 pm same day it is posted on Google HU which is Google Hungary. To access it all you have to do enter the City of Bloomfield Hills in the Google an HU search engine. This blog and our 45 East Long City Hall Web site appear in close proximity. You can read either in English or Hungarian with a click of the mouse. Most likely most Hungarians interested in us are skilled enough in English to read us in that language. The Hungarian translation for us is a novelty. It's a small world and Google is making it smaller. Incidentally all our regular posts offer in the upper right hand corner a translation box which will allow you to translate the City of Bloomfield Hills into any one of a hundred plus world languages. Say for example your live in mother in law is struggling in English, but her parents were Hungarian missionaries and she was born in China where she lived until she was 22 before marrying a now deceased Russian Diplomat. No publication will keep her in the loop better than the City of Bloomfield Hills.
Language teachers I have know have told me to beware machine translations. There are mistakes.
Well there are always spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax errors in the original English language version of the City of Bloomfield Hills Blog. We have considered hiring a proof reader but funding for staff expansions has yet to come so who are we to criticize the mistakes of computers? If daylight savings time is discarded and Budapest is on Central European time then it is 7 am in Budapest right now. There are two million people there about the same as metro Detroit and both cities are built on concentric rings the radiate out from the City's Center. Close your eyes and you can almost hear the metal on metal squeals of breaking yellow trams taking people to their jobs in Buda or Pest.. Maybe somebody with the European equivalent of 4G is reading this, on a lap top on a tram right now. Is it more fun than pen pals ? Not really but maybe it is the advent of 21st Century Pen Pals.
Szent Hugo turkálás Eladó kezdődik ma este
Ha már ajándékozó tételeket tudod, hogy 20 részlegek nem joke.Christmas is megvan a saját osztályának. Oda korán és talán még kap a régi angol karácsonyi témájú Punch Bowl Én utólag egy Frosty a hóember a betétet. Úgy gondolom ez lesz az alatt 1 $. A betét azonban eltávolítható. Bemutattam előtt ajándékozó azt. A hölgy vesz bejövő gondoltam, hogy elég okos, de észrevettem után feladja a tételt, hogy a lapka nem tért vissza a tálba. Talán majd felbukkan máshol 5 cent.
Azt kell mondanom, hogy az ajándékozó is kaptam. Valaki (én hiszem Szent Ferenc) azt mondja, még inkább tagolt formában.
Rendszeresen a katolikus Könyváruház felkeresi az egyházközség vagyunk részt. Mivel attól függően, hogy a kényelem a Mass menetrend meglátogatjuk több Parish, mi fut a katolikus Könyváruház gyakran. Hiszem, hogy van valami köze van a törvények vagy a valószínűsége. Egyébként van egy dohányzóasztal könyvet vettem észre, több mint egy alkalommal. A drámai és a fedelét és címmel M AKE egyenes az ösvény, a 300 éve Zarándoklat érsekség Detroitban. Gyanúm dollár volt 30, de soha nem kérdeztem. Amikor megláttam az egyik a turkálás eladó kértem, de őszinte voltam róla. Essek nyitva a fedelet, találtam egy képet Msgr.Tocco a lelkész a St.Hugo 's, aki feleségül vette minket csaknem negyed századdal ezelőtt. Valójában ő írta alá a könyvet. Saját kijelentése, hogy az a tény, amely valószínűleg fel az árat jelentősen kaptam küldeni a könyvet hölgy fejét.
Ő nem több, mint fújva karácsony Lady volt, a Punch Bowl-betéttel. Azt hiszem, ha a munka elég turkálás értékesítési láttad az egészet. "Két dollár," mondta. "Azok a könyvek kaptak el, hogy minden tagja a Parish. Most jönnek vissza a turkálás eladó" tette hozzá egy kotyog a nyelv. Nem volt változás, így mentem Dunkin Donuts a "jó ok" dupla csokis fánk, hogy a termelt change.When kaptam vissza a Szent Hugo könyve Lady azt mondta, hogy amíg elment a könyvet, lement az ára 1 $.Megköszöntem neki bőven, és megígérte, hogy elmondja mindenkinek a The St. Hugo turkálás eladó.
Elkezdtem a feleségemmel, aki egy kicsit megdöbbentett, hogy én valóban vettem valamit, amikor a cél az volt, hogy eladják. A $ 1 kiadás csak 11 centtel több, mint a fánk (amit nem tett említést) a múltbeli gyülekezési. Ő nem törődik a Frosyt the Snowman Punch Bowl de ő volt értékelni azt a tényt, hogy a fehérnemű Lady tetszett ágynemű. "Hát igen," mondta: "Néhány dolog, hogy még nem is lett skatulyából húztak ki."
A 38. oldalon az új könyvem vásárlás Találtam egy úgynevezett Szent Kereszt Plébániatemplom Magyar. Rájöttem, hogy kellett lennie, hogy a zárt ago.This év tavaszi Én akkor fejezte be az első természetesen a magyar a birminghami Közösség Felnőttképzési.Ez volt az első magyar során sikerült teljesen. Általában kerülök elindult nyelvi ineptitude.Only 14 millió ember beszél magyarul, és többségük él vagy akörül Magyarországon. Ennek eredményeként a magyarok nem használják nyelvüket, hogy a tárgyaláson beszélt rosszul. Talán ez segített, hogy ezúttal én oktató volt orosz. Magyar vagyok, a zseniális szedés ki a szavakat.
"Beke Es Minden" volt könnyű. Béke és Mindig. Semmi gond nincs. "Áldás" Nem is tudtam, de én viszem a szót, a "jó" Mindenesetre most tudok tovább magyar nyelvtudás és a ténylegesen találni kívül használja ki azt a Motor City. Valami feleségem azt mondta, hogy soha nem fog megtörténni. Aztán megütött. A kifejezés "van abban, hogy megadja, hogy megkapjuk." Ez az én nem is pontosan, de én egyre közelebb.
Ha meglátogatja a Szent Hugo turkálás eladó akkor biztosan megkapja. Az így részt tud nyújtani később olyan módon, amely megfelel a célra. A Big Guy nagyon jó kapcsolatban, hogy az ilyesmit. A móka 06:00-kor kezdődik.
St. Hugo's Rummage Sale Starts Tonight
If you have been donating items you know that 20 departments is no joke. Christmas even has it's own department. Get there early and you might even get the Old English themed Christmas punch bowl I retrofitted with a Frosty the the Snowman insert. I would imagine it is going for under a $1. The insert is however removable. I demonstrated it before donating it. The lady taking incoming thought it quite clever but I noticed upon surrendering the item that the insert was not returned to the bowl. Maybe it will turn up elsewhere for five cents.
I should say that in donating I also received . Somebody (I will guess St. Francis) says so in a more articulate form.
On a regular basis the Catholic Book Store visits the parish we are attending. Since depending on the convenience of the Mass schedule we visit more than one Parish, we run into the Catholic Book Store frequently . That I believe has something to do with the laws of probability. Anyway there is a coffee table book, I have noticed on more than one occasion. It has a dramatic cover and and is titled Make Straight The Path, a 300 year Pilgrimage of The Archdiocese of Detroit. My guess was $30 but I never asked. When I saw one at the rummage sale I asked but I was honest about it. Flipping open the cover I discovered a picture of Msgr.Tocco the Pastor at St.Hugo's who had married us in almost a quarter of a century ago. In fact he signed the book. My revelation of that fact which would probably up the price significantly got me sent to the head book lady.
She was no more blown away than the Christmas Lady was with the Punch Bowl insert. I suppose if you work enough rummage sales you've seen it all. "Two dollars," she said."Years ago those books were given to every family in the Parish. Now they are coming back for the rummage sale" she added with a disapproving cluck of the tongue. They had no change so I went to Dunkin Donuts for a "good cause" Double Chocolate donut that produced change.When I got back to St. Hugo's the Book Lady said that while I was gone the book had gone down in price to $1. I thanked her profusely and promised to tell everyone about The St. Hugo's rummage sale.
I started with my wife who was a little taken aback that I had actually bought something when the object was to divest. The $1 expenditure only eleven cents more than the donut (which I didn't mention) passed muster. She didn't care about the Frosty the Snowman punch bowl but she did appreciate the fact that the Linen Lady liked her linens. "Well yeah, " she said "Some of that stuff hasn't even been unwrapped."
On page 38 of my new book purchase I found a Holy Cross Hungarian Parish. I figured it had to be something that closed years ago but I went on line and found them. There was even a phone number. I called and got an answering machine which answered in English. Naturally I was thrilled. This Spring I had just completed my first course in Hungarian at Birmingham Community Adult Education. It was also the only Hungarian course I managed to finish . Usually I get booted for linguistic ineptitude.Only 14 million people speak Hungarian and most of them live in or around Hungary. As a result Hungarians aren't used to hearing their language spoken badly. Maybe it helped that this time my instructor was Russian. In Hungarian I am a whiz at picking out words however.
Beke Es Minden was easy. Peace and Always. No problem there. Aldas I didn't know but I'll take their word for "good " At any rate now I can further my knowledge of Hungarian and actually find addition uses for it in the Motor City. Something my wife said would never happen. Then it hit me. The phrase is "It is in giving that we receive." That my not be it exactly but I am getting closer.
If you visit the St. Hugo's Rummage sale you will certainly receive. The giving part you can provide later in any manner that suits your purpose. The Big Guy is pretty good about that sort of thing.
The fun starts at 6pm.See you there !
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A short digression to consider a heretofore unsuggested suggestion. American Tower part 3.
What did we learn from the American Tower proposal ? Well there does not seem to be really compelling before and after pictures. What has been provided often shows a not so bad befores and a only slighty if at all improved afters.
We do see a need for the tower however and that need has not been communicated or is not widely understood .We mentioned at the that last planning meeting some commissioners thought (at least initially) that the tower would improve the bars on their flip phones. It won't. American Tower says that increase is unrelated to their current proposal and that coverage will come later as an improvement to cellular mounted antennas on Christ Church Cranbrook.
What Clemis tower will do is provide increased county wide public safety communications and enhanced in building coverage for police, fire, and emergency units. That is the need.
To fulfill it American Tower wants to lease land at the DPW lot. To cover their costs American Tower also wants to put rings on the 120 foot sufficient Clemis Tower and boost it's height to 140 feet in order to attach antennas for other cellular carriers.
Some have questioned the 20 foot tower addition. Some have questioned the location of the DPW.
We believe we will be the first to to question any location in the City of Bloomfield Hills.
Since cellular signals pay no attention to city limits the ideal solution in our opinion would be to place the 140 foot tower in a small but struggling strip center in an adjacent city. Troy the city of the future today has always been more adventurous than us. Instead of disguising the tower as a tree one could disguise it as a 120 foot gorilla, a space person, or robot wearing a 20 foot cell phone carrier crown. It would serve as an attraction for shoppers. The merchants could compete with themed displays in their stores to further enhance the Jurrasic Park/Star Wars effect indicated by 140 foot attention getting, but public serving devise.
Seriously, we are not kidding. There is time and place for everything. The Clemis/American Tower people decided the City of Bloomfield Hills would be an ideal place for the tower in part because we don't have any monster towers. Probably for the same reason the City does not have a used car lot or a 24 hour a day video game arcade.
Some say the City of Bloomfield Hills has the word "Sucker " written all over it. My wife says it every time a friend recommends a craftsman or service provider who does "great work at a great price" in communities like Pleasant Ridge, or Huntington Woods. We get an estimate and it doesn't matter that our kitchen is much smaller than the friend who's culinary tastes require aircraft hanger proportions. We always get the four times as much "Bloomfield Hills " price.When my wife points out the discrepancy there is no disagreement or lowering of price. Just a vague reference to pricing as pricing. When the bidder leaves and my wife has wadded the proposal up and thrown in the general direction of the trash, I hear the immortal words, " I swear the City of Bloomfield Hills has the word... written all over it !"
Uncle Mike who is actually a couple of months older than City of Bloomfield Hills will also hear about it and mutter the equally famous (at least to us) combination word "whaddygonado" in a monotone lament.
Monday, June 18, 2012
American Tower Proposal for the Planning Commissio Part 2.
The Presentation starts with seven pages of illustrations and technical drawings.If you don't understand them don't worry. They are for illustrative purposes and will give you an artists rendering of what is being proposed. You may however make them bigger by clicking on the drawing with your mouse.
Then there is a four page letter with photographs describing the proposal.
Then there are four pages of before and after graphics indicating the advantages of tower height and how the tower will improve "in building" communications.
Title Sheet
To make illustraions bigger click on them
Location Plan
Engineering Site Plan
Site Grading Plan
Site Elevation 1
Site Elevation 2
Legal Description
The above shows the coverage area of 85 foot tower. The rectangle around the circle is the City of Bloomfield Hills. Coverage is weak in the southern part of the City and in the upper left hand corner (Hickory Grove and Lahser. Increasing the tower height to 120 feet (below) still misses the western and south east corners of the City and has enormous spill over beyond city limits. Both measurements were made on 2011-04-05 which wou;d have been two months before initial correspondence with City began.
The below "in building coverage" with no tower in the City shows poor coverage in the Northeast corner of the City where there are single family homes but no buildings. Again the center rectangle with the letters mTPD is the City.
With the new tower all is better as indicated below.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The 353 Day and Still Ongoing Saga of American Tower and the City of Bloomfield Hills. Part 1
The surprise guest at Tuesday's City Planning Commission meeting was a Public Hearing for the American Tower 140 foot Communications Tower planned for the DPW lot on Kensington Road,
If you don’t know much about this issue you are not
alone. Aside from the publication you are now reading there has very little
coverage. Even some of the Planning commissioners were confused and though perhaps the Tower has something to do with improved cell phone reception for residents which it does not. Perhaps it would be a good idea to begin at the beginning
In 2011 and 2012 American Tower has appeared three times before City Commission.
The first correspondence was sent to City Manager Jay Cravens on June 25th 2011. A copy of that correspondence can be found on the bottom left side of this page under the archived Post 2011/July/Communications tower , Stealth or otherwise.
A month later on July 26 2011 they appeared before City Commission at a 5 pm Monday Commission Work Session but made no formal presentation because they were told by Mr. Cravens that the agenda of that that day wouldn't allow for it. The minutes of that meeting are below.
77 days later on October 11th American Tower was back with sketches that were shown only to the commissioners. The October 11th Meeting minute notations are below.
Of note because they will be factor in future meetings are the remarks of then Commissioner (now Mayor) Sarah McClure and then Mayor (now Commissioner) Zambricki.
Of particular note is the City Manager's statement that the City Commission should give authorization before the planning commission hears the petition.
133 days later at a February 21st 2012. Mr Cravens told City Commissioners that American Tower was planning another visit. It seems they wanted to know if the City would lease them the land a fact he mentioned at their last visit. The implication was why should they bother if the City would in the end decided not to lease them the land.
21 days later On March 13th American Tower again appeared before City Commission. Mayor Zambricki was absent so the meeting was chaired by Mayor Pro tem Sarah McClure. City Manager Cravens sent the following correspondence t0 City Commissions which included detailed illustrations.
60 Days Later on June 12th Planning Commission meeting agenda has the following agenda items...
The Planning Commission will consider the the request for a site plan to construct a wireless communications tower at 1805 Kensington Road , City of Bloomfield Hills Public Works Property.
It was presumed that American Tower would present the necessary information and documentation for the Planning Commission to approve the proposal and send it back to the City Commission for final approval.
In anticipation of that American Tower was also an Agenda item on the City Commission meeting for that evening where it was expected final approval or further modifications to effect a conclusion might be forthcoming.
Neither of the above occurred .
Why ? Maybe it's like homework which despite the passage of years and decades never goes away. There will always be forms to fill out and protocols to be followed. You can say that half of life is showing up that but does at the very least obligate you to show up.
On June 12th American Tower did indeed show up for the rpm Planning Commission meeting and did for all intents and purposes do their homework. There was a proposal and and exhibits A, B, C, and D meant to make their points. Copies of said may not have been distributed at the door but it had been submitted to the City and and put in the agenda packet for the meeting and on the City's web site.
It had also been graded by the city's consulting firms for zoning and engineering and found to be deficient in points. Those deficiencies would preclude an immediate green light back to City Commission but was a start.
Let's look at what American Tower had after a year preamble to say in writing.
In 2011 and 2012 American Tower has appeared three times before City Commission.
The first correspondence was sent to City Manager Jay Cravens on June 25th 2011. A copy of that correspondence can be found on the bottom left side of this page under the archived Post 2011/July/Communications tower , Stealth or otherwise.
A month later on July 26 2011 they appeared before City Commission at a 5 pm Monday Commission Work Session but made no formal presentation because they were told by Mr. Cravens that the agenda of that that day wouldn't allow for it. The minutes of that meeting are below.
77 days later on October 11th American Tower was back with sketches that were shown only to the commissioners. The October 11th Meeting minute notations are below.
Of note because they will be factor in future meetings are the remarks of then Commissioner (now Mayor) Sarah McClure and then Mayor (now Commissioner) Zambricki.
Of particular note is the City Manager's statement that the City Commission should give authorization before the planning commission hears the petition.
133 days later at a February 21st 2012. Mr Cravens told City Commissioners that American Tower was planning another visit. It seems they wanted to know if the City would lease them the land a fact he mentioned at their last visit. The implication was why should they bother if the City would in the end decided not to lease them the land.
21 days later On March 13th American Tower again appeared before City Commission. Mayor Zambricki was absent so the meeting was chaired by Mayor Pro tem Sarah McClure. City Manager Cravens sent the following correspondence t0 City Commissions which included detailed illustrations.
60 Days Later on June 12th Planning Commission meeting agenda has the following agenda items...
The Planning Commission will consider the the request for a site plan to construct a wireless communications tower at 1805 Kensington Road , City of Bloomfield Hills Public Works Property.
It was presumed that American Tower would present the necessary information and documentation for the Planning Commission to approve the proposal and send it back to the City Commission for final approval.
In anticipation of that American Tower was also an Agenda item on the City Commission meeting for that evening where it was expected final approval or further modifications to effect a conclusion might be forthcoming.
Neither of the above occurred .
Why ? Maybe it's like homework which despite the passage of years and decades never goes away. There will always be forms to fill out and protocols to be followed. You can say that half of life is showing up that but does at the very least obligate you to show up.
On June 12th American Tower did indeed show up for the rpm Planning Commission meeting and did for all intents and purposes do their homework. There was a proposal and and exhibits A, B, C, and D meant to make their points. Copies of said may not have been distributed at the door but it had been submitted to the City and and put in the agenda packet for the meeting and on the City's web site.
It had also been graded by the city's consulting firms for zoning and engineering and found to be deficient in points. Those deficiencies would preclude an immediate green light back to City Commission but was a start.
Let's look at what American Tower had after a year preamble to say in writing.
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