As of last Friday however the City Clerk's office has posted the last six meetings of the Mayor McClure (our current Mayor) administration on line. They span a date range from August 14th 2012 to January 8th. 2013.
Bloomfield Hills Cable Television who films the meetings has been prompt in providing timely videos. The Bloomfield Township has had it's January 14th meeting on line for weeks.To access the videos one needs to go to the City Website ( a link is provided at the upper right hand corner of this page. Then one clicks on the middle box again on the upper right hand side of the page . It is labeled Front Desk. Then one one clicks on Video on Demand which appears on the upper right top of page. That will produce all six videos. Click on the arrow in middle of the video to start it. Clicking on the four corner icon in the lower right enlarges the video to full screen..Placing the cursor on the bottom of the screen produces a forward and back toggle lever which works rather crudely by dragging the time indicator forward or back It is not made for hot dogging.
We will discuss in a future post how to gain enhanced control of the video so that you may truly fast forward and reverse while dropping in and out of meeting segments that interest at will. The point of this article is to tell you what's there, what is not , when it will be there and how you can find it when is there.We will also introduce you Meetings and Agendas. You will find meetings and agendas on the home page of the City Website in the upper right. A box entitled Minutes and Agenda at the very bottom of all the boxes. Clicking on this will produce the following screen. It is a like reading the book before seeing the movie. Maybe one should say it is like reading the company handout before actually witnessing the event. In the printed minutes every thing is PC. The Mayor approves them and may have some say in what is written Then the City Commission approves them. Our City for the longest time didn't make the minutes available until they were approved at the next meeting. That is not what the Open Meetings Act requires.. By law you (and that means anyone) are entitled to a copy of the draft minutes eight business days after the meeting occurred.Usually you have kick,scream, and if you are requesting in person threaten hold your breath and turn blue to get a copy in less than 20 or so days. This month in regard to draft minutes we did not so any of that because we were raising a ruckus about the videos. Now how to worek the box below..
At first all the choices on the left side of the page have a uniform color and no dates appear in the right hand side. By selecting items from the left in this case City Commission and then Minutes yellow folders with dates (2002 through 2012) appear on the right. Selecting a year produces all minutes of all the city commission minutes of that calendar year. As a result of our last City election Sarah McClure was re-elected and Michael Dul elected to City Commission. The Commission then elected McClure mayor on May 15th.2012. Clicking that date marked in blue will produce those minutes in scroll down form. Since Mayor McClure has been elected 12 City Commissions were held, of which 9 nine were filmed and the most recent six are now posted on the City website.
The three that were not filmed were two July 17 and October 15th concerning a closed sessions involving Labor negotiations (which are not open to the public) and a July 31st emergency meeting about a broken water main which happened during the Kennsington Road Construction, That meeting was open to the public and detailed minutes are provided but was not filmed. Possibly due to budget or time constraints. All six meeting presented on video are consecutive in reverse order August 11th 2012 through January 8th.2013.
The first three meetings of the McClure administration (May 15th, June 12th and July 10th) are on film but not as yet posted. The inaugural meeting of May 15th important as it shows the election of Mayor, appointments made and discuses goals and objectives for the coming year.The June and July meetings are important in that they show the further development of the commission and the thought process that prompted the commission to switch from an annual election to one every other year.
None of these videos that residents paid for have vanished but some are harder to find than others. This publication in the spirit of cooperation has corresponded with the City Clerk's office in discovering the whereabouts of our videos and where they might be placed when retrieved.
Apparently we both s more or less simultaneously stumbled on them on Vimeo (more on Vimeo next post) where they are part of a 1800 movie film strip parade going back three years or longer. The strip includes High School sports, The Franklin Labor Day parades, panel shows, heath and fitness shows,and more. Essentially everything Bloomfield Hills Cable Television has filmed over the last three years. Labeling or lack of by BCTV and one case a computer file glitch may be why the May through July 2012 Videos have yet to appear . The May 15th Commission meeting is labeled correct;y but can only be seen by starting the video. The June City Commission Meeting is labeled only as "Bloomfield Hills City Commission" and the film's actual date can only be determined by it's position in the film strip and noting the events of the June meeting. The July 10th meeting is labeled correctly but there is a glitch in one of the supplied down loads. The MP4 download works. The WMV file down load has a glitchesd before completion. Maybe BCTV can make a another copy of the July meeting in WMV for us.
The City Clerk's office has said it appreciates our input and we appreciate being appreciated. We appreciate that re-displaying all 2 and half years of our City's City Commission meeting videos so the residents may view them is "an on going works in progress." We be support that work and the efforts of the City Clerk and her staff. As they say on Television stay tuned.
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