Google also allows you to translate the blog into any one of almost a hundred different languages. Don't underestimate the value of the last item. It may come in handy if you happen to be, as a result of a lack of a village hotel, house guests of relatives in Slovakia.
The City of Bloomfield Hills Blog can take the City with you, and serve as an on the spot text translator. Google statistics say that
2 % of our readers read us on Iphones and 1% on Ipads which is about right for residents planning extended stay visits to Slovakian villages that lack hotels.
In terms of this publications and diligence to duty, our 592 editions over a four year period, and assuming a two week annual vacation is eight shy of the three posts per week the Oakland Press requested at outset. That eight edition deficit however assumes a seven day week as opposed a five day week.
Our reward for said services is our readers and in that regard we are delighted to report that, true to our name, over a four year period the majority of our readers, 20% or 2405 to be exact, hail from The City of Bloomfield Hills. The Communities of Birmingham, Keego Harbor,Bloomfield, Franklin, Clarkston, West Bloomfield, Troy, Detroit, and undetermined round out the top ten.
Google Analytics, is an impressive marketing tool, that comes free of charge with Google Blogger which is also available free of charge. Google Analytics has been widely praised by businesses, marketers, consultants, Citizen outreach efforts. and anyone one who wishes to know what effect a campaign or a message delivered by any of the many Google products is having in the community. Free of charge tutorials area available on Youtube and often turn up on marketing web sites as well.
Google is quite strict in defining what was once was called a hit, and later a page visit. Now Google counts sessions with a session being....
the period time a user is actively engaged with your website, app, etc All usage data (Screen Views, Events, Ecommerce, etc.) is associated with a session.
To be a user, at least one session is require in a specific time period is required, For example from May 2nd 2014 to June 1st 2014 the City of Bloomfield Hills Blog had 333 sessions from 193 users, who viewed 810 pages, averaging, 2.43 pages per session, with the average session being five minutes and twelve seconds. The bounce rate was a whopping 65.47%
Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page).
They either like topic of the day or don't with little in between. The 54% percentage of new sessions might also indicate that. The below numbers are for the last month in all areas. The squiggly line below the number is a graph by day.
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