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The actual ballot language that will appear on the Ballot on
November 4 per Oakland County Elections is in the box below.
Shall the City Commission of the City of Bloomfield Hills adopt an ordinance whereby the City, after competitive bidding, would enter into a contract with a single
waste hauler for exclusive garbage and recycling collection for all City residents, with the City residents paying the garbage and recycling collection bills directly to
the single waste hauler?
The City seems to have penchant for paraphrasing, encapsulating. or omitting words it doesn't like in descriptions or references to the actual legally approved, by the state of Michigan ballot language. Last fall in the charter revision, vote unless you were particularly well read you did not see the actual ballot language until you were in polling booth. The key words Mr. Cravens omitted are in red in the actual ballot language. A Yes Vote asks the City to adopt an ordinance whereby the City would contract with a single waste hauler for all residents. A No Vote maintains the present multi hauler system but does not preclude the continued pursuit of improvements with one or more haulers.
Below in blue we have included for those who have not read Mr. Cravens, his letter verbatim, and because you pay for our analysis in your free subscription, we have included that as well.
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So why doesn't City Commission if they have authorized this letter and the expenses incurred tell us themselves ? Mr. Cravens is a City Employee, not an elected or voting City Commisioner, and as it so happens not a City Resident.
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Of the six current licensed waste hauling companies, Mr. Cravens mentions only 4 are strictly residential and have served the community for years. The last fact is important, because as in many industries there are changes at work. In waste hauling big companies are acquiring smaller ones.
Of the two waste haulers who are primarily commercial both service City Hall.
Other key numbers to consider are 1 and 0. One is the exact number of solutions Mr. Cravens and City Commissioner have considered to improve waste hauling and the City's roads.
Commisioner Sherr did however say that he didn't care how many waste haulers the City had as long as that number wasn't 0.
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At a recent City Commission meeting Hubble Roth provided other reasons why our roads deteriorate as fast as they do. One was excessive lawn watering which runs off onto the street. Another was the parking of home improvement and and yard maintenance vehicles on streets. By ordinance they are to be parked in the driveway of the customer they serve, an ordinance that is seldom enforced, and would not be popular if it was. Then there are the heavy trucks that seem to be constant. Cement mixers. Tank Trucks to water down the City's dirt roads. Mack trucks multi axle behemoths to take away the tear downs. Tear downs ? Indeed. New residents want the lot don't care for house. Tear it down and rebuild from ground up. You only go around once in life so why not ? It is an attitude that is Tres Bloomfield Hills and such projects may may take years to finish and involve continued coming and going of commercial vehicles.
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Seven months late the City has provided residents with a list of three of the four residential haulers and the services and prices they provide.The city failed to obtain that information from the fourth due to "No Response." That company is the largest Waste Hauler in world and has advertised Superbowl. Descriptively named Waste Management is quite popular with many residents. This reporter called as Joe Nobody and said I was chagrined that our city had them listed "no response.'That got me all the information I needed. So much so I couldn't write fast enough to keep up with it.
This is another example how problems the City blames on the waste haulers stem from City Hall. While on the subject of data collection consider the following.
Is the City, which does not have enough staff to enforce existing ordinances, getting into the trash business ? Auditing mandatory monthly waste hauler load receipts ? To what end ? More ominous is that any and all information audited is the accumulating of confidential and a trade secret material that shall not be subject to public disclosure. How does the resident benefit from said ? Or does the resident even matter in what seems to be a private conversation between City and Contractor ?
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In actuality, the RFP is only eight pages of the forty pages Trilogy. Some of specifications (but not all ) Mr. Cravens refers to turn up in the third section with 28 pages which is sub titled Service Descriptions and Specifications. For the reader, in our next post we have matched up Mr. Cravens bullet points with the actual language in the the Service description.
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