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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Agenda and Agenda Package for tonight's City Commission meeting.

Editor's Note:Beware being lulled in by the simple short list agenda.  The 145 page agenda  package  is all about complicated  matters with far reaching consequences. Examples include Agenda item #4. The Comcast Cable Franchise agreement  which starts on page 54 and ends on page 64 of the Agenda Package. Agenda items 6 and 7  are long and tedious but don't break new ground. Plante Moran has been the City's auditor for years and  City Commission will consider an a quote from actuarial service from GRS/OPED. Details of said are provided pages 65 to 87.

The big crash boom of conceivably irrevocable change is  the  57 page amendment to the  Road Right of Way Ordinance to be found on pages 88 through 145 which will effect the entire City.  

It is similar to a the single waste hauler  Opus Mr. Cravens wrote last winter. That too was 40 plus pages of minutia. 
So one would guess that Mr. Cravens is again the author. It will be interesting to see how familiar the Commission is with this document and how  quick they are to approve it. It too is long and yes, tedious and it does on occasion ask the Commission to grant the City Manager Special Powers.

The last trap to avoid  is agenda item 11 when the Commission moves into close session to discuss a labor attorney letter. By state law all such personnel discussions occur behind  closed doors.

 In the past these closed door items have usually occur as the last Agenda item. Thus  meeting attendees leave as the commissions go behind closed doors.  

Tonight  per the agenda (always subject to change)  the  commission returns after the closed door session for Agenda item 12 The Commission will discuss other business. Like what ? Will any residents have waited out the closed door session ? Will the Comcast Cameras which document every meeting still be rolling ? Or as the hands of the clock approach the midnight hour will it be time for what one television drama calls Secrets and Lies ?
Probably not.
 It may however  be the most interesting portion of the meeting. We will keep you informed.

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