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Wednesday, January 31, 2018


But City Commission missed the significance of moment. It happened at the January 9th City  Commission Meeting Commission meeting. In fact it was almost a two month to the day that  that the City  Commission candidates were asked as the second question of the League of Woman voters Candidate Forum what if anything could, or would the City  do for its senior Citizen residents. All five commission candidates blew the question falling back on Cedarbrook  a multi purpose senior living  by a private developer or meals on wheels a program former City Manager, Jay Graven pioneered by finding a grant that was age rather than income specific.
 As it so happend  Febuary 9th  was an un seasonably  warm night in Winter  and this writer sitting in the cheap seats of an otherwise deserted City Hall had a hard time hearing much of anything. So when the presenters from Next  (that is the name of the Birmingham Senior Center finished their presentation I followed them into empty lobby.

 The meeting continued and with one ear  I thought  the City  was using was its standard plead poverty/our seniors are to old for that of thing reply.

Actually they were not. I asked the Next people if they were preparing a proposal for a future meeting. Apparently they were not. They said the purpose of their visit to invite residents of  our City to discover all that Next has to offer.   It is a lot and  it is detailed in a  21 page magazine published every other month.
  Games, games, movies, crafts. Book Clubs, and speaker series are but a tip of the ice berg. Next is sort of pay as you go when necessary. For example.  You want to go to the Henry Ford Museum ? On February 8th ?. The cost is ten dollars for members  and $15 dollars for non members and museum ticket of $21 for the all day event.Some activities like are  book clubs are free . So is the Writers Corner and Current  discussion groups  You can even have your books returned from Next to the Baldwin Library and new titles selected sparing you the hassle of parking ing and stairs.

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