Captain David Hendrickson
The City's selection process began with advertisements in various law enforcement journals and through the Michigan Municipal League. Said efforts produced 32 applicants.Six were invited to interview. Four of which, including current City of Bloomfield Hills Police officer, and acting Public Safety Director, Terry McDonnell were invited to second interviews. Each interview lasted approximately an hour.The process which began at 5:30 pm was open to the public and the press. At 9:30 pm City Commission went into closed session deliberations. At that time it was not known whether the commission would make a decision that night or require more time.When it was mentioned that some municipal/township governing bodies were allowing the public to witness final deliberations, Mayor McClure said the commission was acting the advise of the City Attorney by going to a closed session.
Shortly before ten pm a decision was made. The Commission asked that notice of said be held pending notification of the applicants and the acceptance of David Hendrickson. That condition was removed this morning.
At that time, City Manager Jay Cravens reported that four Commissioners (Michael Dul, Pat Hardy,Michael Zambricki, and Mayor McClure) voted for David Hendrickson and one Commissioner (Stuart Scherr) abstained.
When asked for an opinion on the commission's decision, Cravens. said it was indicative of a need to change the culture based on several conduct unbecoming episodes from last fall. It is hoped that new Chief Hendrickson will bring a fresh approach to the City's Public Safety Department.Very possibly Chief Hendrickson could be available to meet the public as soon as early June.
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