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Monday, May 13, 2013

City Manager's memo to City commission reminiscent of American living in Paris who wrote "Paris would be a great city if it weren't for the French."

City Manager Jay Cravens  may think the City of Bloomfield Hills would be a great city if only the inhabitants who resist his efforts   at  fiscal community  betterment could be seen but not heard.

People do not live in the City of Bloomfield Hills  because they desire a low cost alternative. Mr, Cravens does not understand this. Mr. Cravens does not live in the City of Bloomfield Hills. He just works here

It is probable that a less expensive emergency dispatch service  or for that matter a discount City Manager could be found. The citizens of the City  pay dispatch and Mr. Cravens  pretty pennies  because residents believe they are worth it. Bargain Basement alternatives  are not what the City of Bloomfield Hills is all about.

Nor is  compromised  Public Safety. The dispatch department is particularly important for the 3800 residents because it is their 24-7 portal to Peace of Mind. The City of Bloomfield Hills Dispatch department provides additional programs of benefit to residents. One is Alarm Monitoring. Recently in this writer's neighborhood the Police answered an alarm triggered by a burst pipe. The family was away but public safety's prompt response prevented additional damage. Dispatch also provides a House Watch Program for vacationers and House Key program great for when you lock yourself out.  City Residents like and appreciate those sort of things.

Mr. Cravens doesn't understand that because he is not a resident.

In a perfect world, residents, City Commission and the City manager could sit down and discuss the matters. Regrettably it is an imperfect world, which in the City of Bloomfield Hills grows worse.  Two years ago when Cravens first suggested a outsourcing of Public Safety' s Emergency Dispatch, the residents turned out droves to speak at a Public Hearing. Many insisted that they would rather pay a millage than outsource dispatch.

This year that won't happen. 
Jf the the Commission  next Tuesday agrees to form the two member committee Mr. Cravens suggests it will mean the end of Emergency Dispatch in the City. How can we say 
that ? Very simple. The key words are "two city commissioners" 

Our City Commissioner has five members. Three members are a quorum. A committee with less than a majority falls into an undefined  Open Meetings Act grey area. It is not required that the public be allowed to attend but it is not forbidden either. The determination of the Committee Chairperson of the sub committee is what matters.

If three City Commissioners were chosen a quorum would be  present and all the provisions of the Michigan Open Meetings Act would  come into play.  The Open Meetings Act of Michigan is intended to allow the Public to attend meeting and see how it's government operates.  It is mandatory that all meetings with a decision making Quorum be open to the public. Notice of meetings  would be posted or published. Residents would be welcome to attend and witness the proceedings. Minutes would be kept and published for those who could not attend.

With two commissioners no quorum is present and the precepts of open meetings are optional. Members can conduct meetings on the phone or not meet at all. It is unrestricted because  no final decision is reached at until  the full commission votes at a meeting where a public hearing will be held. The subcommittee is considered simply advisory.

If the Emergency Dispatch Public Hearing follows the format of Public Hearings in the Mayor McClure era, the point will not be to hear the public. The point will be to present the Commission's case . Mr.Cravens or a member of his sub committee will begin the hearing by telling of the merger's benefits. Maybe Supervisor Savoie will have that honor. Floor time for the Commsion's point of view is usually 12 to fifteen minutes. No speaker offering a opposite point of view will be granted  a similar opportunity. Then the Commissioners will be asked  their opinion.  This is highly prejudicial because the the Commissioners are not supposed to, per the precepts of the Open Meetings Act, to have an opinion until they hear all opinions including those of the public. At the last public hearing  City Attorney Hampton caught this and the people spoke before the commissioners. If Mr Hampton is not present the people may slip back to last again.

Mr. Cravens says he will be ready in 45 days which is when the current Dispatch contract expires on June 30th. The City Commission June meeting is scheduled for the 12th almost a month away from the May meeting next Tuesday the 14th.

What happens next Tuesday will be interesting, 

If Cravens  suggestions are simply accepted carte blanche then we live in a City where the petty wishes and insentient  questions of 3800 are ruining it for the creme de la creme City Commsion.

If the Mr. Cravens gets the sub committee he wants but agrees to be subject to the precepts of Open Meetings with a periods for public comment that will work. The committee could even host an evening town hall at City Hall. If no residents show up ....C'est la vie. 

Of course even Mr. Cravens on Open Meeting steroids  is not the ideal solution. Mr.Cravens has made his viewpoint clear and he is tie breaking vote. He is also a non resident but some cooperation on his part would at least, preclude the building of street corner barricades.

If City Commission should decide to look in to the matter with a three member committee of current City Commissioners who are residents of the City that would be the ideal. Off hand we would prefer Zambricki and Hardy for their years on City Commission. They are also up for re-election this fall.We would exclude Mayor McClure because she is relatively new and not up for re-election until 2015. The same could be said for Commissioner Dull. Commissioner Sherr  while new, is financially knowledgeable, has expressed a willingness to hear from the people and is up for election this fall.

A  quorum of three commissioners worked well during the Budget Hearings where with one exception the commission  worked  with two absent members per meeting.

Up for election means accountability to the constituents who elected you. If that sounds harsh it no more harsh than taking away city services residents cherish.

If these suggestions seem audacious or out of place they are no more so than those of City Manager Cravens.  At least we are City residents who pay taxes. 

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