Residents of Birmingham face an important decision on May
6—whether or not to approve a renovation and expansion project for the Baldwin
Public Library.
Upon becoming Director of Baldwin four years ago, I began a
conversation with the Library Board, the City Commission and the community
about the Library’s facility. Baldwin’s
building was outdated and failed to offer important features that neighboring
libraries provided. I sought guidance
from Birmingham’s citizens and governing bodies on how we should proceed.
The process we have undertaken since then has been careful
and transparent. The City Commission
established a committee with the charge to gather input from citizens,
benchmark Baldwin against other libraries, and determine future library
trends. All meetings of this committee
were publicly noticed and received press coverage.
The committee analyzed a variety of options. Not surprisingly, the lower-cost options addressed
fewer issues. Ultimately, the committee
recommended a comprehensive restoration plan of the Library’s 1927 Tudor-style
building, demolition of the existing 1960 and 1981 additions, and construction
of a new two-story brick building with basement and sloped roof. It was considered the best and most practical
What does this proposal accomplish?
· Increase in total building size from 40,174 to
56,600 square feet in order to meet identified needs
· 70% increase in children’s area
· Additional two- to six-person study rooms
· Café-style study/collaboration area with vending
· Street-level entrance
· Full ADA/stroller accessibility
· Adaptable technological infrastructure—with
power and data accessibility spaced every 54 inches in the floor
· Flexible interior design that will accommodate
changing needs in the future
· Enhanced lighting, acoustics, heating, and
· More and larger
bathrooms as well as elevators
· Improved energy efficiency
· Building design that maintains current staff
· Solutions to existing building problems, like
ceiling leaks and a malfunctioning freight elevator
· Furnishings and equipment comparable to those at
the Bloomfield Township Public Library
· Restoration of a small auditorium, the east bay
window, and other features of the 1927 building
· Increased green space around building
The project, which was vetted by an independent cost
estimator, would cost $21.5 million.
This estimate includes the cost of remaining open during construction
and contingencies to cover unforeseen construction expenses. If the contingencies are not needed, the
project cost would decline. By law the
project cannot exceed $21.5 million. The City’s municipal finance advisor has
determined that the cost to the average Birmingham household would be $124.36 a
year for 20 years, including interest.
Baldwin’s building is owned by the City. Therefore, only Birmingham residents will
vote for the proposed building improvements.
Baldwin also serves three neighboring communities on a contractual
basis. These communities pay only for
operating expenses. They account for
slightly under 30% of the Library’s circulation and contribute approximately
the same percentage to Baldwin’s operating revenues.
The current plans were developed by an architectural firm
selected through a competitive process.
The City spent $97,400 on the designs and cost estimates. If the proposal is approved, another competitive
process would be held for a “phase 2” architect, who would develop the final
design after input from the public.
The proposed Library building project accomplishes
much. It is up to Birmingham voters to
decide whether they wish to make the investment. I encourage you to review the information
about the project that is on the Library’s website at,
including a question-and-answer fact sheet.
Whatever your view on this matter, be sure to vote on May 6 and make
your opinion count.
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