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Monday, May 5, 2014

Reasons to vote Yes on The Library Millage: Good business practices increase library circulation and revenue.

In response to a query for an upcoming article in the Detroit Free Press , Baldwin Library Director Doug Koschik reviewed Library Circulation figures for ten years 2002-03 to 2012-13. 
Circulation figures are based on those who actually take out a materials as opposed to just visiting the library. Circulation figures also reveal where the borrower comes from and what the financial return if  any is provided to Baldwin for the loaning services provided. 

In 2002-03  which would be  two Library Directors before Doug Koschik became the current  Director, Birmingham  borrowers accounted for 47% of the total circulation. Contract Communities  (Beverly Hills and Bingham Farms) were 18% of of the circulation total. Reciprocal  arrangements provided 33.5% or more than a  third of Baldwin users. 
 Birmingham residents and the contract communities were the paying customers. Reciprocal users were trade based on  reciprocal 
arrangements  with other libraries.

Ten years later in 2012-2013 Birmingham users grew to 60% of the borrowers and  contract users jumped to close to 30% while reciprocal dropped to less than 12%

The take away story is that, compared to ten years ago, Baldwin has become much more focused on serving  people from our service area who contribute revenue towards the library as opposed to people from outside the area who do not provide  financial support for the Library.

In 2002-2003 the only 65% of the borrowers provided revenue. In 2012-2013 the number increased to 90%. 

Such calculations and quantum shifts are what good business and business growth are made of.

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