This is not an official blog of the City. It is the work of Mark Kapel who is solely responsible for content.
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Friday, May 30, 2014
Home invasion, shooting suspects,to stand trial. Oakland Press and Birmingham Eccentric on line editions provide the latest details.
The Eccentric article written by reporter Jay Grossman who also provided photographs, can be accessed directly be clicking the Birmingham Eccentric link which is provided on the left hand side of this page under Other news sources.
The latest from the Oakland Press and reporter Megan Semeraz can be read clicking here
Yesterday the Oakland Press on line edition published the audio of the 9-11 call to City of Bloomfield Hills dispatch. Both of the above newspaper accounts say the the threat of calling the police prompted the shooting into a closed door wounding the home owner. Of note on the audio is the calm of our dispatchers in getting information in what was a fraught and potentially life threatening situation.
The name of the street where the crime occurred is two words with beginning with consonants that if spoken rapidly may not be easy to understand.
The street itself is a not major one. In fact it dead ends. If you know the neighborhood's twists and turns however, it can be accessed by two of the City's major arteries. Possibly for that reason when Police arrived at the crime scene the suspects were gone. Initial TV news reports said the Police had no suspects. That would change. By May 5th the Police had made arrests.
The crime believed to be a blotched robbery, occurred on April 30th.
At the April City Commission meeting, three weeks prior Chief David Hendrickson asked City Commission to participate in a multi community Police task force called MCAT. A motion to do so passed. The memo the Chief wrote for the commissioners detailing the City's participation in MCAT and potential benefits was posted on in our May 13th issue.
In many conversations with the media,the Chief has credited MCAT and the addition resources provided at a nominal cost as the keys to the breaks in the case.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Baldwin New Titles 5/27/2014
Skin Game by Jim Butcher: Chicago wizard Harry Dresden must help a hated enemy,
Nicodemus Archleone, break into a high security vault to steal something
belonging to the Lord of the Underworld.
Check Availability
Check Availability
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Interesting beach read thrillers, Monument Men and au courant About Last Night DVDs Highlight Baldwin New Titles 5/20/2014.
About Last Night (DVD): A modern reimagining of the classic this contemporary version closely follows new love for two couples as they journey from the bar to the bedroom and are eventually put to the test in the real world. Check Availability.
Monday, May 26, 2014
In Memory of 236 Oakand County Military Personnel Who Died in the Vietnam War.
Listed by name, city, date of birth,date of death,military service and rank.
- Andrews, Dale Charles Pontiac 11/29/45 05/08/1968 MC LCPL
- Angerman, Donald Edward Birmingham 06/21/47 04/27/1968 MC PFC
- Aputen, Leslie George Pontiac 03/15/49 05/15/1968 MC PFC
- Atkinson, Robert Louis Jr Clarkston 07/03/48 03/26/1969 AR PFC
- Austin, Glenn Frederic Madison Heights 07/14/47 03/07/1970 MC CPL
- Bachert, Richard Charles Davisberg 02/16/49 12/21/1968 AR SP4
- Barili, Peter Lino Birmingham 09/04/46 02/21/1971 AR 1LT
- Barnes, George Lee Lakeville 08/29/46 11/22/1968 MC LCPL
- Becker, Tommy Joe Madison Heights 09/14/53 04/18/1972 AR PFC
- Berg, Gary Richard Southfield 07/08/50 12/06/1968 MC PFC
- Berry, James Craig Royal Oak 07/14/48 11/13/1967 AR PFC
- Beske, William Henry Jr Lathrop Village 09/29/47 05/24/1969 AR PFC
- Birdsall, Thomas Eddy Royal Oak 05/22/45 11/12/1966 MC LCPL
- Boudreau, John Henry Birmingham 11/15/45 05/08/1967 MC CPL
- Bowman, David Frank Pontiac 10/06/41 11/27/1967 AR SSGT
- Boyd, Don Gaynor Southfield 06/14/46 02/28/1967 MC LCPL
- Braid, John Edward Bloomfield Hills 06/22/42 06/23/1969 AR SGT
- Brinkey, Larry Howard Troy 04/05/49 05/06/1969 AR SP5
- Brown, Max Eugene Jr Hazel Park 01/13/47 02/06/1967 AR PFC
- Bryan, Larry Michael Highland 12/01/48 07/02/1969 AR PFC
- Bugni, Florian Anthony Jr Farmington 08/18/47 05/23/1968 AR PFC
- Burkell, Gene Michael Pontiac 09/14/49 04/26/1968 AR CPL
- Bushong, Donald Richard Troy 09/14/46 07/14/1968 MC SGT
- Busse, Donald Gene Pontiac 08/29/49 05/21/1970 AR SP4
- Cain, Robert Daniel Union Lake 11/22/45 10/23/1967 AR PFC
- Campbell, David Graham Southfield 12/26/46 06/02/1970 AR SGT
- Carter, James Devrin Clarkston 03/13/47 06/13/1968 AR WO
- Caswell, Robert Lynn Pontiac 10/22/47 04/03/1968 AR SP4
- Chambliss, Roger Ridgely Birmingham 06/10/52 10/31/1972 AR SP4
- Chisholm, Joseph Charles Union Lake 12/12/44 05/12/1969 AR SP4
- Clancy, Dennis Patrick Royal Oak 08/08/47 02/28/1968 AR PFC
- Clay, James Wilford Waterford 07/17/49 05/29/1969 AR PFC
- Cobeil, Earl Glenn Pontiac 08/29/43 11/05/1970 AF LTC
- Crouch, Nathan Eugene Farmington 05/20/47 01/27/1969 AR SP4
- Curl, Robert Graham Walled Lake 08/10/45 12/02/1969 AR SSGT
- Dailey, Douglas Vincent Waterford 06/30/36 01/07/1974 AF SMS
- Frederic Hutchison Union Lake 10/26/47 06/07/1969 AR SGT
- Davis, Gerald Arthur Walled Lake 11/14/50 09/02/1971 AR SP4
- Davis, Harold Michael Jr Hazel Park 11/24/48 01/18/1969 AR CPL
- Deel, Harold Butler Ferndale 03/05/30 05/10/1969 AF MSGT
- DeWulf, Patrick Thomas Bloomfield Hills 01/08/51 07/20/1970 AR CPL
- Donaldson, Herbert C Jr Pontiac 11/18/45 10/29/1967 AR SP5
- Dorse, Robert Edward Jr Waterford 04/01/50 01/07/1970 MC Jr Waterford
- Michael Joseph Royal Oak 05/15/48 12/16/1969 AR WO
- Drinkard, Danny George Ferndale 10/15/50 04/20/1971 AR CPL
- Dundas, Jerry Richard Oak Park 05/10/46 05/28/1968 AR SGT
- Edwards, George Ray Fayfie Pontiac 02/05/41 05/17/1967 AR SP5
- Edwards, Kenneth Miles Royal Oak 06/04/47 02/28/1967 AR PFC
- Elmy, Michael Lee Pontiac 03/12/47 05/09/1967 AR PFC
- Evans, Donald Patrick Lake Orion 01/13/42 11/20/1968 AR PFC
- Evans, Gregory James Union Lake 03/07/47 02/18/1968 AR PFC
- Ewing, David James Bloomfield Hills 09/17/48 05/22/1969 AR SP5
- Fielder, Donald Reed II Rochester 09/27/46 04/22/1967 AR PFC
- Forman, Lewis Michael Southfield 01/07/50 02/24/1969 AR PFC
- Francis, Michael James Southfield 01/31/48 09/30/1967 AR SGT
- Francis, William Joseph Southfield 02/13/47 03/09/1970 AR PFC
- Gallis, Steve Samuel Jr Hazel Park 10/15/43 03/28/1967 AR PFC
- Garrett, Jonathan Wayne Pontiac 06/06/50 12/02/1969 AR CPL
- Gauthier, Dennis Lee Rochester 08/08/49 06/15/1977 AR SSGT
- Girardot, Francis Michael Royal Oak 10/21/45 12/16/1969 AR CAPT
- Glime, Donald Eugene Berkley 04/20/44 09/16/1968 AR SGT
- Gonzales, Nicholas Valeria Pontiac 09/20/48 12/08/1968 MC PFC
- Greenhouse, Ronald Raphael Pontiac 02/11/48 11/29/1970 AR SP4
- Greenwald, Dennis Southfield 11/23/48 11/20/1967 AR PFC
- Grieve, Michael A Hazel Park 07/14/46 01/31/1968 AR SGT
- Griffin, William Donald II Pontiac 06/30/47 12/15/1970 AR SGT
- Groover, John William O Farmington 02/21/40 02/14/1966 AR SGT
- Gross, Richard Alban Royal Oak 02/12/45 09/03/1968 MC LCPL
- Hall, William Gardiner Rochester 07/15/44 03/24/1968 MC 1LT
- Haney, William David Keego Harbor 11/03/47 08/23/1967 MC CPL
- Haney, William Thomas Pontiac 12/29/50 10/17/1969 AR SP4
- Hartness, Donald Harry Royal Oak 08/12/47 06/07/1968 MC LCPL
- Head, David Freeman Clarkston 11/18/48 01/22/1969 AR PFC
- Hedger, James Robert Pontiac 01/14/44 02/04/1968 MC CPL
- Heliker, Russell James Walled Lake 02/16/47 05/07/1968 AR SP4
- Henley, Charles Ray Union Lake 11/29/47 07/15/1968 AR SP4
- Hill, Phillip Andrew Pontiac 06/21/49 11/19/1968 MC PFC
- Sterling Harold Rochester 07/22/43 05/26/1968 AR SSGT
- Hodge, Ronald Ellsworth Pontiac 07/16/49 04/18/1970 AR SGT
- Hoyt, Victor Ronald Pontiac 09/12/41 12/27/1966 AR SGT
- Hubbell, Thomas Simcock Milford 02/25/40 12/27/1967 MC CAPT
- Hughes, Gregory John Royal Oak 03/04/51 09/26/1969 MC PFC
- Humphreys, Gilmer Earl Royal Oak 07/08/46 09/13/1968 AR SGT
- Hunter, Barry Alan Hazel Park 09/08/48 10/09/1967 MC PFC
- Huxtable, Ronald Lester Madison Heights 09/08/48 09/17/1970 AR SP4
- Jackson, William Eugene Pontiac 01/16/28 02/05/1964 AR SFC
- Johnson, Gerald Lee Royal Oak 05/05/50 06/20/1968 MC PCOUNTY LAST, FI
- James Dale Pontiac 02/04/46 11/30/1970 MC 1LT
- Jones, Richard Stephen Ferndale 02/15/48 03/27/1969 MC PFC
- Judd, David Terrence Birmingham 12/05/47 08/23/1968 AR SGT
- Kari, Jarmo Antero Royal Oak 02/06/44 02/09/1966 MC PFC
- Kayga, William Duane Pontiac 02/03/49 08/24/1969 AR PFC
- Kelsey, Ronald Keith Troy 08/01/42 12/12/1970 AF 1LT
- Kennedy, Donald Lee Madison Heights 04/22/50 09/17/1969 MC LCPL
- Killian, Gary Martin Hazel Park 08/08/47 05/20/1967 AR PFC
- Killing, Ronald James Troy 03/22/49 04/12/1969 AR PFC
- Klett, John Earle Birmingham 07/05/47 09/21/1967 NA HN
- Harold John Troy 07/06/45 08/23/1968 MC LCPL
- Knaggs, John Christopher Royal Oak 07/01/27 10/29/1964 AF CAPT
- Kolakowski, Henry Jr Farmington 07/13/38 06/15/1968 MC CAPT
- Kutchey, Lawrence David Madison Heights 05/30/46 11/25/1968 AR CPL
- LaBohn, Gary Russell Wixom 12/28/42 03/20/1979 AR SFC
- Lahti, James Walter Walled Lake 01/23/48 09/01/1968 AR 1LT
- LaLone, James Clifton Hazel Park 12/16/43 03/16/1967 AR SP4
- Lane, Albert Leroy Jr Ferndale 09/09/50 07/16/1970 AR SP4
- Largent, John Alyn Rochester 11/04/49 05/10/1970 AR SP4
- Laudicina, James Ray Union Lake 04/19/46 09/09/1967 MC SGT
- Lawson, William Edward Jr Royal Oak 12/01/38 04/20/1967 AR 1LT
- Liminga, Frederick Hugo Pontiac 11/12/47 06/22/1967 AR PFC
- Lindsey, Dennis Paul Milford 04/18/46 11/11/1969 AR SSGT
- Linville, Michael Thomas Madison Heights 07/31/50 09/20/1970 AR PFC
- Long, Douglas Eugene Keego Harbor 08/07/44 06/15/1968 AR SGT
- Lucier, John William Milford 10/13/49 10/03/1968 AR PFC
- Lukes, Thomas Burton Pontiac 12/18/47 07/13/1968 AR SGT
- MacDonald, Harold Lee Clarkston 11/20/49 09/15/1970 AR SP4
- Maria, Charles Anthony Ferndale 01/29/48 07/03/1969 AR SGT
- Markey, Christopher Hugh Birmingham 03/06/45 01/06/1970 MC 2LT
- Marshall, Brian Alexander Bloomfield Hills 07/01/48 03/10/1968 MC PFC
- Marshman, Michael Jon Bloomfield Hills 06/25/48 01/20/1967 AR PFC
- Massucci, Martin John Royal Oak 11/01/39 02/09/1978 AF MAJ
- Matarazzo, Everett Robert Southfield 08/06/48 06/10/1969 MC PFC
- McArthur, Melvin Lloyd Waterford 07/06/47 08/08/1968 AR SP4
- McCurry, Andreas Pontiac 11/10/46 07/04/1967 AR SP4
- McGee, Roy Dell Oxford 03/03/49 01/29/1968 AR PFC
- McIlroy, Patrick C Pontiac 01/01/48 03/24/1968 AR PFC
- McIlvoy, James Lee South Lyon 07/11/43 12/30/1967 AR SGT
- McMahon, Thomas Mark Jr Troy 06/06/50 12/05/1969 AR SP4
- Megiveron, Emil George Pontiac 08/11/47 10/17/1967 AR PFC
- Merz, James R Jr Royal Oak 08/13/49 07/02/1970 AR PFC
- Michalski, John Mitchell Hazel Park 01/10/46 05/11/1968 AR SP4
- Millan, Robert Dennis Jr Southfield 11/20/47 05/26/1967 MC PFC
- Miller, John Robert Clawson 08/25/45 11/21/1968 AR SGT
- Milliman, Dain W Birmingham 11/01/28 11/10/1966 AF MAJ
- Montross, Burton Charles Clarkston 07/04/41 02/23/1966 AR SSGT
- Moore, David Charles Pontiac 10/23/49 03/02/1968 MC PFC
- Stanley Leroy Troy 01/25/45 06/11/1966 MC CPL
- Morley, James Richard Rochester 12/24/42 08/15/1966 AR SGT
- Murphy, Patrick William Southfield 10/23/47 02/15/1968 MC LCPL
- Myers, Gordon E Union Lake 07/01/50 01/25/1969 MC CPL
- Nelson, Larry Douglas Royal Oak 07/26/47 08/18/1968 AR SP4
- Noble, Ronald Glen Royal Oak 05/27/48 08/26/1968 MC CPL
- Nowak, John Thomas Ferndale 07/28/51 03/16/1970 MC PFC
- Nowakowski, John Alexander Rochester 03/02/47 03/05/1969 AR SP4
- Orlando, Samuel Gizzi Birmingham 08/01/44 03/04/1966 NA HA
- Pack, Sanford Gene Keego Harbor 02/21/52 03/25/1970 AR SP4
- Parker, Charles John Royal Oak 02/18/48 10/23/1968 MC PFC
- Parkin, Harold Leslie Pontiac 10/05/47 06/05/1969 AR SP4
- Pearsall, Richard Mark Pontiac 12/26/48 03/16/1969 AR SGT
- Peek, John Foreman Pontiac 01/12/41 03/31/1968 NA BUL3
- Perkett, David Louis Birmingham 03/16/48 01/16/1968 AR PFC
- Pineau, Roland Robert Berkley 07/06/29 10/08/1967 NA ATC
- Pitcock, Elzia Ray Farmington 06/26/46 08/01/1967 MC PFC
- Poe, John Wayne Hazel Park 03/31/49 02/19/1969 AR SP4
- Pohjola, Jeffrey Willis Southfield 12/15/46 09/25/1968 AR CPL
- Powell, Ronald Louis Royal Oak 03/03/44 08/24/1965 MC LCPL
- Radabaugh, Harold W II Royal Oak 11/08/47 06/18/1967 NA HN
- Ramirez, Honorio, Jr. Pontiac 04/12/37 06/23/1966 AR SGT
- Ramirez, Mario Pontiac 04/17/43 01/16/1967 AR SGT
- Ramsby, James Edward Milford 12/07/44 03/06/1969 AR SP5
- Rasnick, Sidney McArthur Clawson 08/23/44 09/13/1967 AR PFC
- Rawls, Robert Edwards Royal Oak 08/04/35 09/18/1965 AR CAPT
- Rebits, John Raymond Berkley 06/08/47 02/03/1969 AR SGT
- Reel, J C Troy 04/07/46 03/26/1969 AR PFC
- Reiter, Clyde Alvin Pontiac 07/19/46 12/28/1968 AR SGT
- Reska, Craig Thomas Novi 06/23/50 11/12/1970 AR PFC
- Rich, Michael Robert Bloomfield Hills 08/25/45 11/05/1968 MC 2LT
- Richter, Karl Wendell Holly 10/04/42 07/28/1967 AF 1LT
- Riggs, Thomas Frederick Farmington 07/24/46 06/05/1973 AR CWO
- Roach, Terence Raymond Jr Birmingham 09/02/42 02/08/1968 MC 2LT
- Roach, Thomas Joseph Jr Royal Oak 06/08/49 03/08/1969 AR SP4
- Roerink, Gary Doyle Pontiac 06/26/47 11/23/1967 AR PFC
- Rose, Albert Eugene South Lyon 03/05/47 09/17/1968 AR SP4
- Ross, Larry David Royal Oak 06/12/45 02/18/1967 AR PFC
- Ruditys, Edward Michael Troy 10/20/48 02/24/1969 AR CPL
- Ryden, Gary Ardean Pontiac 03/31/46 04/03/1968 AR PFC
- Sales, Nathan Ray Milford 02/14/48 09/22/1968 AR PFC
- Salminen, Paul John Ferndale 11/23/43 07/24/1969 AR SGT
- Sawyer, William A Madison Heights 12/02/47 02/06/1968 AR SP4
- Scarmeas, James Sam Jr Hazel Park 08/16/50 05/21/1969 AR CPLMichigan
- Schemel, Jerry L. Drayton Plains 09/09/46 07/27/1966 AR PFC
- Schmude, John Robert Pontiac 12/06/48 08/04/1968 AR CPL
- Selman, Charles George Farmington 11/14/49 04/09/1970 AR CPL
- Seymour, Gary Carl Hazel Park 06/26/49 06/15/1968 MC PFC
- Sherman, Thomas Alan Ortonville 02/03/47 01/04/1969 AR SGT
- Shinn, Gary James Holly 07/01/50 05/31/1971 AR SP4
- Sidor, Michael Edward Wixom 12/27/47 02/23/1969 AR SGT
- Smarsh, Joseph II Orchard Lake 03/15/48 05/31/1968 AR PFC
- Smith, Donald Allen Jr Royal Oak 05/08/46 10/04/1966 AR PFC
- Smith, Richard Edward Pontiac 05/16/46 11/02/1967 AR SP4
- Snyder, Earl Spencer Ferndale 02/10/49 03/12/1969 AR CPL
- Snyder, George Eugene Ferndale 07/12/40 08/12/1969 AR SSGT
- Snyder, Richard Andrews Rochester 10/15/47 05/08/1967 MC PFC
- Sotzen, Harold James Clawson 11/04/48 10/24/1967 MC LCPL
- Sova, Conrad Andrew Oak Park 06/20/42 05/27/1969 AR SGT
- Spencer, Kenneth James Rochester 11/15/46 10/31/1972 AR 1LT
- Staley, Freddy Keith Holly 02/17/51 10/01/1969 MC PFC
- Stamps, George Harrell Madison Heights 10/14/47 12/02/1968 AR SP4
- Stephens, Dennis Arthur Pontiac 11/09/49 06/11/1970 AR SP4
- Stevens, Dennis Michael Hazel Park 04/16/47 12/11/1967 MC CPL
- Stevenson, Bobby Dale Pontiac 06/13/34 06/11/1970 NA HM1
- Stewart, John Wallace Union Lake 07/22/49 05/05/1969 AR CPL
- Strahan, Larry Pontiac 11/28/49 03/11/1969 AR SP4
- Sutton, James Thomas Ortonville 02/13/48 04/17/1968 MC LCPL
- Taffe, Thomas Leo Union Lake 06/14/47 03/27/1968 AR PFC
- Tamm, Richard David Royal Oak 02/03/48 12/04/1968 AR SP4
- Tate, Bernie Lee Pontiac 09/14/46 07/12/1967 AR SP4
- Taylor, Richard Allen Clarkston 11/03/51 09/26/1970 AR SP5
- Thatcher, Thomas Milton Birmingham 09/03/47 09/24/1967 MC LCPL
- Thurnham, John Brent Rochester 12/18/48 06/17/1969 AR SGT
- Tidwell, Voyd Eugene Pontiac 08/16/43 03/04/1968 MC LCPL
- Townsend, Robert Franklin Royal Oak 07/03/36 11/04/1965 AR SFC
- Traynor, Stephen Michael Keego Harbor 02/03/49 02/04/1971 AR SP4
- Tyler, George Edward Royal Oak 01/31/30 01/22/1979 AF COL
- Ulbrich, John Harold Rochester 05/04/45 06/08/1968 AR PFC
- Urquhart, Glenn Ross Jr Southfield 11/21/47 02/05/1969 MC LCPL
- Vallelonga, Larry Cosimo Royal Oak 12/18/46 06/30/1969 AR SP4
- Vandercook, David Franklin Royal Oak 02/19/47 02/25/1967 MC PFC
- Vescelius, Milton James Jr Milford 11/16/34 02/29/1980 NA CAPT
- Warfield, Dennis Gordon Pontiac 11/28/48 04/30/1969 AR SP
- Wedhorn, David Earl Union Lake 04/24/47 02/07/1968 AR PFC
- Weil, Larry Steven Birmingham 06/20/47 05/14/1969 AR 1LT
- Whelpley, Raymond Lawrence Lake Orion 04/16/47 09/06/1968 AR SP4
- White, Timothy Allen Union Lake 10/17/51 07/28/1970 AR PFC
- Whitlock, Thomas Daniel Pontiac 03/22/24 11/01/1964 AR LTC
- Wilkerson, William Mhoon Royal Oak 08/07/48 09/10/1968 MC PFC
- Williams, Roy Kenneth Jr Farmington 08/06/49 06/25/1969 AR WO
- Wilson, Delvin Keith Pontiac 12/03/49 04/25/1969 MC PFC
- Wishon, Donald Ray Berkley 09/10/49 03/07/1970 AR CPL
- Wolfe, Patrick Robert Jr Waterford 05/26/45 01/19/1968 AR 2LT
- Wolfe, Richard Lawrence Hazel Park 06/11/47 05/01/1967 AR PFC
- Wood, John Allen Lake Orion 03/13/49 09/27/1968 AR SGT
- Wood, Lawrence Jeffrey Holly 06/25/46 09/16/1967 AR SGT
- Wood, Rodney Glen Berkley 11/12/49 06/17/1970 AR SP5
- Yingling, Joseph Walter Jr Pontiac 10/07/51 06/30/1971 AR SP4
- Yoshonis, George Charles Ferndale 05/14/50 05/16/1971 AR PFC
- Zelinski, Joseph Vincent Troy 07/27/48 11/19/1967 AR PFC
In Memory of the 19 Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills Military Personnel who died in the Vietnam War.
Angerman, Donald Edward 06/21/47 04/27/1968 MC PFC
Barili, Peter Lino 09/04/46 02/21/1971 AR 1LT
Boudreau, John Henry 11/15/45 05/08/1967 MC CPL
Chambliss, Roger Ridgely 06/10/52 10/31/1972 AR SP4
Judd, David Terrence 12/05/47 08/23/1968 AR SGT
Klett, John Earle 07/05/47 09/21/1967 NA HN
Markey, Christopher Hugh 03/06/45 01/06/1970 MC 2LT
Milliman, Dain W 11/01/28 11/10/1966 AF MAJ
Orlando, Samuel Gizzi 08/01/44 03/04/1966 NA HA
Perkett, David Louis 03/16/48 01/16/1968 AR PFC
Roach, Terence Raymond Jr 09/02/42 02/08/1968 MC 2LT
Thatcher, Thomas Milton 09/03/47 09/24/1967 MC LCPL
Weil, Larry Steven 06/20/47 05/14/1969 AR 1LT
Bloomfield Hills
Braid, John Edward 06/22/42 06/23/1969 AR SGT
DeWulf, Patrick Thomas 01/08/51 07/20/1970 AR CPL
Ewing, David James 09/17/48 05/22/1969 AR SP5
Marshall, Brian Alexander 07/01/48 03/10/1968 MC PFC
Marshman, Michael Jon 06/25/48 01/20/1967 AR PF
Rich, Michael Robert 08/25/45 11/05/1968 MC 2LT
DeWulf, Patrick Thomas 01/08/51 07/20/1970 AR CPL
Ewing, David James 09/17/48 05/22/1969 AR SP5
Marshall, Brian Alexander 07/01/48 03/10/1968 MC PFC
Marshman, Michael Jon 06/25/48 01/20/1967 AR PF
Rich, Michael Robert 08/25/45 11/05/1968 MC 2LT
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Baldwin Library Board of Trustees Meeting May 19th. Going Forward.
Monday, May 19, 2014
City of Bloomfield Hills May 13th City Commission and 2014-15 Budget Presentation meeting.
To see the meeting in its four hour entirety click here
City Commission
Agenda for Meeting May 13, 2014
The regular meeting of the City Commission will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2014
at City Hall 45 E. Long Lake Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Phone
248.644.1520, FAX 248.644.4813.
1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Consent Agenda
A. Bills Payable for April 2014.
B. Department Reports:
a. Finance Director / Treasurer
b. Public Safety
c. DPW
d. Building
e. Engineering
C. Minutes:
a. City Commission Regular Meeting held April 8, 2014.
b. City Commission Special Meeting held April 8, 2014.
c. City Commission Special Meeting held April 23, 2014.
D. Correspondence:
a. Memo from City Manager: 2013 – 2014 Goals.
3. Recognition of Citizens in the audience.
4. The commission will hear a presentation by LSL Planning and Parsons
Brinckerhoff on the Woodward Avenue Rapid Transit Alternatives Analysis
Study and consider a resolution supporting the Preferred Alternative
Recommended by the Woodward Avenue Alternatives Analysis Steering
5. The commission will consider approval of the Intersection Improvement Funding
for Quarton / Chesterfield Roads.
6. The commission will consider approval of the resolution declaring official intent
to sell and issue bonds.
7. The commission will consider the request of the property owner at 150 Lone
Pine Road for a grading variance.
8. The commission will consider the request of the property owner at 598
Barrington for a grading variance.
City Commission May 13, 2014
9. PUBLIC HEARING: The commission will consider adoption of the Budget
Appropriation Resolution, approval of the 2014-2015 budget and adoption of
the 2014 – 2015 millage rate.
10. The commission will consider approval of the maintenance services contract.
11. The commission will discuss ballot language and consider a resolution to place
the ballot question on the November 4, 2014 ballot.
12. The commission will consider approval of the amendment to the approved PUD
Agreement for “The Plaza”.
13. The commission will consider the RFQ for the irrigation systems.
14. The commission will consider the request to purchase a camera system for the
Department of Public Safety.
15. The commission will consider the approval of a Traffic Control Order for Pine
Ridge Road.
16. The commission will consider adoption of a resolution amending the fee
schedule for the Department of Public Safety.
17. The commission will consider a memo from City Manager Cravens on the Sign
Ordinance and subcommittee.
18. The commission will hear City Manager comments.
19. The commission will hear an update on individual lead responsibilities.
20. The commission will consider other business
City Commission
Agenda for Meeting May 13, 2014
The regular meeting of the City Commission will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2014
at City Hall 45 E. Long Lake Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Phone
248.644.1520, FAX 248.644.4813.
1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Consent Agenda
A. Bills Payable for April 2014.
B. Department Reports:
a. Finance Director / Treasurer
b. Public Safety
c. DPW
d. Building
e. Engineering
C. Minutes:
a. City Commission Regular Meeting held April 8, 2014.
b. City Commission Special Meeting held April 8, 2014.
c. City Commission Special Meeting held April 23, 2014.
D. Correspondence:
a. Memo from City Manager: 2013 – 2014 Goals.
3. Recognition of Citizens in the audience.
4. The commission will hear a presentation by LSL Planning and Parsons
Brinckerhoff on the Woodward Avenue Rapid Transit Alternatives Analysis
Study and consider a resolution supporting the Preferred Alternative
Recommended by the Woodward Avenue Alternatives Analysis Steering
5. The commission will consider approval of the Intersection Improvement Funding
for Quarton / Chesterfield Roads.
6. The commission will consider approval of the resolution declaring official intent
to sell and issue bonds.
7. The commission will consider the request of the property owner at 150 Lone
Pine Road for a grading variance.
8. The commission will consider the request of the property owner at 598
Barrington for a grading variance.
City Commission May 13, 2014
9. PUBLIC HEARING: The commission will consider adoption of the Budget
Appropriation Resolution, approval of the 2014-2015 budget and adoption of
the 2014 – 2015 millage rate.
10. The commission will consider approval of the maintenance services contract.
11. The commission will discuss ballot language and consider a resolution to place
the ballot question on the November 4, 2014 ballot.
12. The commission will consider approval of the amendment to the approved PUD
Agreement for “The Plaza”.
13. The commission will consider the RFQ for the irrigation systems.
14. The commission will consider the request to purchase a camera system for the
Department of Public Safety.
15. The commission will consider the approval of a Traffic Control Order for Pine
Ridge Road.
16. The commission will consider adoption of a resolution amending the fee
schedule for the Department of Public Safety.
17. The commission will consider a memo from City Manager Cravens on the Sign
Ordinance and subcommittee.
18. The commission will hear City Manager comments.
19. The commission will hear an update on individual lead responsibilities.
20. The commission will consider other business
Birmingham Planning Board Meeting - May 14th, 2014.
To see the meeting in its one hour and forty minute entirety, click on the link below.
Birmingham City Commission - May 5th, 2014
To see the meeting in its 2 hour and twenty minute entirety click on the link below.
Bloomfield Township Public Library April 22nd Board of Trustees Meeting. List of upcoming meetings. Link to meeting agenda,minutes, agenda packets, and to prior meetings since 2012.
To view the April meeting in its forty minute entirely
A Library Trustee recognizes the importance of the Library in the community and oversees the funding of all aspects of Library services including traditional media and computer technologies. Library Trustees support freedom of information and the American Library Association Bill of Rights, which includes providing information presenting all points of view to all people of the community. A Library Trustee sets policy, hires the Library Director, and approves the budget to provide the very best service the Library can offer the Bloomfield Township community.
LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETINGS 2014-2015 FISCAL YEAR – All Board Meetings are held at 7:00 p,.m. in the Board Room.
- Tuesday, April 22, 2014*
- Tuesday, May 20, 2014
- Tuesday, June 17, 2014
- Tuesday, July 15, 2014
- Tuesday, August 19, 2014
- Tuesday, September 16, 2014
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014
- Tuesday, November 18, 2014
- Tuesday, December 16, 2014
- Tuesday, January 20, 2015
- Tuesday, February 17, 2015
- Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Regular Board Meeting
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to order of regular meeting
2a. Request to remove items from the Consent Agenda for Discussion
2b. MOTION to approve the order of items for the Regular and Consent Agendas
3. President’s Verbal Report
4. Director’s Verbal Report
5. MOTION to approve the remaining Consent Agenda items 6-8d
9. Call to the public, communications
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
a. Cleaning Service Bids
12. Discussion of items removed from the Consent Agenda
13. MOTION to approve any items removed from the Consent Agenda
14. Other
15. Next scheduled meeting: Tuesday, May 20, 2014
16. Adjournment
6. Regular Board meeting minutes of March 18, 2014
7. Budget
a. Cash Disbursements
b. Monthly Revenues & Expenditures
c. Energy Report
8. Written Reports:
a. President: *Joan Luksik
b. Director: *Carol Mueller
c. Tentative Schedule
d. Committee: * 50th
Anniversary Gala Committee Ad Hoc
*Art Committee Ad Hoc
*Bloomfield Township Liaison
*Building & Grounds
* Cranbrook
* Development
* Finance
* Friends of the Library Liaison
* Jeanette P. Myers Scholarship Selection
* Landscaping/Interiors
* Personnel
* Policy
Items removed will be discussed under Item
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Regular Board Meeting
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to order of regular meeting
2a. Request to remove items from the Consent Agenda for Discussion
2b. MOTION to approve the order of items for the Regular and Consent Agendas
3. President’s Verbal Report
4. Director’s Verbal Report
5. MOTION to approve the remaining Consent Agenda items 6-8d
9. Call to the public, communications
10. Unfinished Business
11. New Business
a. Cleaning Service Bids
12. Discussion of items removed from the Consent Agenda
13. MOTION to approve any items removed from the Consent Agenda
14. Other
15. Next scheduled meeting: Tuesday, May 20, 2014
16. Adjournment
6. Regular Board meeting minutes of March 18, 2014
7. Budget
a. Cash Disbursements
b. Monthly Revenues & Expenditures
c. Energy Report
8. Written Reports:
a. President: *Joan Luksik
b. Director: *Carol Mueller
c. Tentative Schedule
d. Committee: * 50th
Anniversary Gala Committee Ad Hoc
*Art Committee Ad Hoc
*Bloomfield Township Liaison
*Building & Grounds
* Cranbrook
* Development
* Finance
* Friends of the Library Liaison
* Jeanette P. Myers Scholarship Selection
* Landscaping/Interiors
* Personnel
* Policy
Items removed will be discussed under Item
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Bloomfield Hills School Board, April 24th, May 1st, and May 15th meetings.
To see these meetings in their entirety (the two May meetings are approximately two hours. The April Meeting is approximately two and a half hours)
Friday, May 16, 2014
Five DVDs including Best Picture Nominee Highlight Baldwin New Titles 5/14/2014
The Nut Job (DVD): Follow the travails of Surly, a mischievous
squirrel, and his rat friend Buddy, who plan a nut store heist of outrageous
proportions and unwittingly find themselves embroiled in a much more
complicated and hilarious adventure. Check availability
Ride Along (DVD):
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