City like mushrooms after the rain. He also mentioned one
company in particular Rocket Fiber, and wrote , "We (editors note who is we ?) I do not know if the matter has been before City Commision and if not why not ?
Before concluding "with the Rocket Fiber to bring fiber optic internet cable into our the City". The folks have been very enthusiatic and entergetic about serving the city and we look forward to bring them this about in due
Before concluding "with the Rocket Fiber to bring fiber optic internet cable into our the City". The folks have been very enthusiatic and entergetic about serving the city and we look forward to bring them this about in due
Almost a year has gone by and now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by the sunny Sun of York (with apologies to Shakespear) Or For that matter anyone one who wishes to to sell us something
Last weeks did not bring "due course" but it did provide a reveation of what seem to be a done deal.
when Commissioner Coakley writing in the Winter 2017 Hills Highlights with has been delivered to City residents in last week or so wrote the following"
"We have been working"The Rocket Fiber people to bring fiber optic cable into the City (of Bloomfield Hills) and we (unamed) look forward to bring this about in due course.
They (Fiber Optic?)will first roll fiber optic or wireless optic service ro the more than300 bisinesses in our city and from there branch out to the (neighborhoods)( sic).This will take some time to implement but we have taken rthe first to bring the City into the 21st Century. dAs in the case of
MAYBE MAYBE not but a numbered questions arise. Was there any competitive bidding sought. How many commissioners besides Mr. Coakley were part of the decision making process.
Will City residents be required install Rocket Fiber optic on their premises or will they make their one internet cable provider. Since Residents have been excluded from the decision making process up to now the future does not look to be rosey.
Will City residents be required install Rocket Fiber optic on their premises or will they make their one internet cable provider. Since Residents have been excluded from the decision making process up to now the future does not look to be rosey.
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